Wenn es speziell bei Popo mit der Sehnsucht so schlimm ist bei Ihnen, dann verstehe ich nicht, warum Sie ihn nicht längst vorher adoptiert haben, 3 Jahre lang hatten Sie Zeit dazu! Es geht ihm sehr gut, und er hat jetzt endlich das, was er schon lange verdient, nämlich ein endgültiges Zuhause bei ganz lieben Menschen
Missing is not a bad thing, it's a loving presence of the ones we love.
In Portugal the law allows me to have up to three dogs. I have three dogs then...If I had the conditions so many Popos would be part of my life.
The ones we save will always be somehow ours and Popo was left alone after his mother and sister had the chance to find a home.He was in a hotel for two years and three months. I had the privilege to know him and feel his sweetness. He's an adorable dog!
So, as there's nothing wrong with loving and missing him...I miss you my dearest Popo!
You are right, loving and missing are not bad things, but you can also go too far! You wrote now 6 or 7 times how much you miss your sweet sweet Popo, and the way you write it always sounds like a reproach, so that people who read your exaggerations have to ask themselves why the dogs must be brought from Portugal to Germany if there is so much love for them in their country..... So please stop it, it's enough now!
It's your way of seeing things and in my mind's eyes a very biased one.
And as long as I feel like, I hope I'm allowed to come here and politely say what's going on in my mind about Popo and others I've already commented on so many times!
He is very well, I often talk to his family, they love him very much, and they are very happy with him We'll soon have our "dog-meeting", then I'll see him, an I'm sure we'll have some new photographs then. He has already learnt a lot and is still learning.....