Er ist ein toller Hund, saß 3 Jahre lang in der Pension, und ich finde, er hat in seinem Leben noch was Anderes verdient. Jetzt ist er in einer ganz lieben Familie, die viel Geduld mit ihm hat und ihn ganz langsam an alles Neue heranführt Kein Grund zur Trauer also, sondern ein Grund, sich zu freuen, wenn einem wirklich das Wohl des Hundes wichtig ist.....
You will see him on many photographs that will follow, and if you want to touch him, then come to Germany and visit him, his family is really very kind. They lost their dog half a year ago, and now with Popo the sun rises again for them, that's why they called him Sunny They don't live in town but very rural, the fields are near the house, so he can enjoy long walks in a green area, that's what he loves a lot. Everything is new and interesting for him, and he ist really a lovely dog with a great character, everybody likes him, and finally he gets the caresses that he needs so much
Süßer Popo, Du warst so lange Jahre eines meiner "Patenkinder" und ich konnte es immer einfach nicht verstehen, dass sich niemand in Dich verliebt hat. Nun hat es doch endlich geklappt und ich hoffe, Du hast endlich das gute Leben, welches Du so sehr verdient hast. Alles Liebe fuer Dich und Deine Leute.
Yesterday I talked to his family, he is very well His favorite place is the sofa now, he is lying there together with his people, and when his "Mama" reads a newspaper, he gently puts it out of her hand, because she should rather carress him He also enjoys the walks at the outside very much. I hope that we soon get some new photographs.