es gibt einige Neuigkeiten: 1. Am Samstag durften Nina und Leiko zusammen durch den Garten toben, während wir ein paar Pflanzen gesetz haben. Die beiden haben ganz toll miteinander gespielt. In freier Natur fühlt Nina sich einfach toll. Da ist sie heiter und gelassen. 2. Gestern durfte Nina nochmals auf Fährte gehen, nachdem es letzten Sonntag ja nicht so dolle geklappt hatte. Diesmal war ich der Hundeführer. Und - was soll ich sagen - sie hat geschnüffelt und die Leckerlis gesucht. Der Trainer sieht bei ihr Potential und daher darf sie jetzt regelmäßig auf Fährte gehen. Sie hat sich dann gestern Abend auch noch an mich gekuschelt.
Außerdem haben wir festgestellt, dass Nina bellen kann. Bisher war von ihr kein Laut zu hören, aber am Freitag hat sie dann tatsächlich mal gebellt. Ich war mit ihr und Leiko gassi, als ein Paar mit einem Hund unseren Weg (fast) kreuzte. Und Nina hat den fremden Hund angebellt. Und gestern hat sie dann auch noch eine Hündin aus unserem Verein angebellt, als wir ihr auf einem kurzen Gassigang in der Gruppe begegnet sind.
Wir sind echt froh, die Kleine bei uns zu haben.
Grüßle Vera
Hi Teresa,
Nina is getting used to the new area more and more. On Saturday she played around with Leiko in our garden while we were trying to set some new plants. And yesterday she seemd to enjoy the training of trailing. This time it was me who led her and she really began trailing. The trainer took her into the trailing team and now we are going to go on trails regularly. She really feels happy and relaxed outside whereelse she still seems feel poorly inside the house.
Nina IS DEFINITELY a clever dog. She saw that Leiko gets some treats if he follows the command "sit". What did she do? She just sat down when I said "sit". Brilliant. And she also starts to understand "foot".
She also comes to me as soon as I say her name - if we are in the free nature. If we are in the roads of a village or at home, she does not always follow the command. anyways she loves lying on the couch or in my bed. And she starts to cuddle up to me more often. She also loves me kissing her cheeks.
Whoever saw her fell in love with her. As we both are working full-time we found someone who takes our dogs out for a walk around noon. Sandra is also member of our club and knows nina from the first day she was with us. Nina likes Sandra very much - and vice versa. During the last few days 2 of my colleagues from work visited us and both were so overwhelmed by Nina.
We have to get those pictures from the chip in the camera so that you can see Nina and Leiko and how both are living
Sandra is German and she lives just a few doors from us (not the Sandra of Happy-4-paws). Sandra is really a lovely girl and she is about to become a trainer in the clus. She is one of only a handfull of people who really understand a dog. She has 3 dogs herself and she had been with dogs from the first day of her life. I also know her mum (also member of the club) and we all sit often together for a chat and a cup of coffee. Her two girl-dogs and Nina really enjoy being together. Yesterday we walked for 3 hours through the "outback": Leiko and Nina and Mercedes and Suki. It was really fun to watch the 4 dogs. Nina was still on the leash as I don't dare to let her run around in the free nature (she's still not fully used to Germany and all the stupid things Germans do - driving cars, trucks, bikes.....), but the others were "free". Nina also tried to get Mercedes to play with her. The 3 girls love water (Leiko hates water - and he hates to get wet, but unfortunately he loves to roll in smelly stuff) and so the girls just jumped into the creek. In the evening Nina and Leiko were quite tired - as well as their mistress who slept in front of the TV
Do you know if Nina has had any bad experiences with guys? She gets quite quick trustingly with femals but she tries to get away from males - besides Torsten whom she has already accepted as her lordling. But if she can chose she prefers to be with me.
Thank you Vera for all this information..I´m so happy and miss her to bits...
With me, and every day, she got lot´s of kisses on top of that "big" nose..
She had regular contact with my father and my husband..but never trust them...I think a male figure left her and her sister on the killing kennel. Both were very scare...and of males...
Vera, ich lese ganz fasziniert Deine Berichte über die Entwicklung von Nina.Du glaubst gar nicht, welche Freude Du damit deren Pflege-"Mamis" in Portugal machst - und mir auch. Vielen lieben Dank für Deine Geduld und Liebe für die süße Maus.